Ragnarok M Eternal Love: Christmas Fancy Cake Challenge

It’s Christmas time in Ragnaok M Eternal Love and one way to celebrate it is fill the game with surprises! 

One first confusing quest is the Christmas Fancy Cake Challenge. After you’ve updated the latest version for the Christmas Season, one quest will automatically pops out on your quest guide. Just click the quest and it will let you proceed to the Gingerbread City.

Once there, you will be redirected to a very huge cake with players standing inside it asking question what to do with the quest.

Here’s what you need to do: 

Nothing. There’s no need to bake anything actually.

The quest is a collaborative effort from all the Ragnarok M Eternal Love. If the players from the server-wide completes 20%, 40% until 100% which is shown on the quest guide, all the players will receive a Rudolph Mysterious Box.

The Rudolph Quest is a 7-day daily quest and you can complete only one quest a day and receive a Rudolph Mystery Box each day. On the 7th day, you’ll receive a Reindeer Horn Blueprint.


Red Nose Rudolph Quest Day 1

  1. Talk to Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer NPC in Prontera Center.
  2. Warp to Ginger Bread City. If you haven’t been there, go to Aldebaran and talk to Santa which is located at the SouthWest of Aldebaran.
  3. Talk to Dobby the Clown NPC in the middle of Gingerbread City. He will ask you questions but here are the answers respectively: 1.Reindeer, 2. Two (2), 3.Red.
  4. Watch the show and finish it.
  5. After watching the show, you’ll receive the reward.

That’s just it. No need to bake anything you guys.

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